85% of Chinese Orphans Now In Families

by Greg Buzek

Due to the unintended consequences of the one-child policy, millions of Chinese children not born physically or mentally perfect were tragically relegated to large institutional orphanages for years.  Sadly, we are talking millions and millions of children who were abandoned over the years.

In 1998 Robert Glover and Care for Children introduced to China for the first time the concept of a foster family.  Directly because of Care for Children’s efforts over 400,000 children had been placed in homes by the time we started our small partnership with them a few short years ago.  What none of us realized is that the idea that CFC introduced had now spread all over China as the preferred method of care.

October 22nd-23rd was the Asia Family Placement Conference in Shanghai.  It also marked the 20th anniversary of Care for Children’s work in China.

It was here that Professor Qu Zhiyong from Beijing Normal University dropped the eye-opening statistic that the government estimates that now 85% of the children in state care are now living in foster families in China.

20 years ago China didn’t even have a word for “foster care” in the language!

Simply amazing impact!!!  Way to go Robert, Russell and CFC team!!  If you would like to learn more about Care for Children, visit their website.  A great example of their work is in this video they did for our March Gladness fundraiser.  What an impact and legacy.