New Classrooms at Trezo

by Nicole Taylor

Trezo Update: November 2017

Last year, during RetailROI’s March Gladness campaign, we raised enough money to build a school in Trezo, Haiti. Here is an update of what is going on in this community.

“Last year’s Hurricane Matthew nearly ruined our Grade 1-4 building.  We limped through the year with some patchwork but eventually tore it down this past summer.  The kids are in some temporary school rooms while we are building this new facility.  The new building will house Grades 1-4 and, like our 5/6 building, it will be made with a strong foundation, rebar, and block with a steel roof – a design that should support the school for many years.  It will also provide temporary shelter for the poor villagers in the event of future tropical storms.

We are now at 136 K-6 students with 11 full-time staff and a lunch program that is over 30,000 meals/year.  We have had two graduation classes and over 80% of our grads have been accepted into the nearby upper schools.  At one high school, the top student in the school, Angela Bastien, came from our little village school!”